Full Moon Mediation for our community.
The commencement of the New Year in January is such a potentially charged time of year, for many of us the festive season leaves us with a feeling being all wrung out and exhausted, gratified that we survived the onslaught of yet another challenging year culminating in the frenzy of the Christmas holiday. In the wash we decided perhaps next year we’ll refine the act. Full of hope and best intentions we feel cleansed challenged and optimistic.
Making resolutions doesn’t have to be restricted to the New Year of course, but for me the annual review and planning for the next year is a ritual. Courses of action are charted and intentions are set, and away we go…
By the second week of January I start to encounter turbulence: changing habits is difficult. Inevitably I begin to notice that whatever plans I may have made, it’s still me that is implementing the plan. Whatever strategies and intentions I may have developed there are aspects of my own nature I have to content with…
As Above so Below (…to accomplish the miracles of the One Thing) -Hermes Trismegistus
This January has two full moons, when this happens the second is called a blue moon, so this January we get a second opportunity to set sails and plant new seeds. Not only that but this year for the first time in over 150 years the blue moon coincides with a total lunar eclipse. So at 23 minutes past midnight on the night of the second full moon January 31st (AEST) the earth (our glorious home and mother) casts her shadow onto the moon (her travelling companion). It is only when the moon passes through the earths shadow that we realise she has one.
Shadow, for most of us, is actually what we will encounter when we try to change our habits; it only becomes visible when it’s projected onto something (often the people closest to us). For me that is the wonderful “enlightening” aspect of our Yin practice at the Sanctuary. It provides the opportunity to reflect on my shadow, what it is about me that gets in the way of being the best version of myself I can be.
As I observe my own reactions and resistance to being in a pose, I recognise the characteristics or habits of mind held in my body that make it so difficult to do things differently in my life; to be truly kind and loving towards myself , my partner, my family and my friends. I can see the impediments to health, peace and effective action in the world. I can discriminate how I struggle and what that feels like and how familiar those sensations are. I have an opportunity to learn patience, to accept that part of myself that is in shadow…And breathe and just let it go…aaahhhh!
For thousands of years people have gathered on the night of full moon to set and to reflect on what is to come.
Join us this coming Blue Moon Eclipse on Wednesday January 31st at 8pm at the Sanctuary, for a group meditation, some chanting and a guided visualisation to help you identify and ceremonially let go of whatever it is that gets in the way of you, and whatever it is that you have resolved to do (or be).
It would be extra beneficial if before this gathering you joined us at Mysan’s 6.30 Yin class, for some gentle prompting to feel and experience “what gets in the way”
The evening will be co-facilitated by Suzi Cutcliffe and Lou Rubieand a creative visualisation lead by me – David Braunstein.
Gold coin donation proceeds to Central Coast Area Health Palliative Care Service.
Wednesday 31st Jan
At The Sanctuary
Book your spot via www.mysanyogasanctuary.com under Workshops and Events. This is a gold coin donation event.
This Full Moon Goodness and what the event is all about is written by David Braunstein