Mysan has been practicing yoga for nearly 20 years and has been teaching for over 13 years. She teaches Hatha yoga, Yin yoga and Yang yoga as well as Meditation and Pranayama (breath awareness).
She is a senior teacher of Yoga Australia and has completed over 3000 hours of teacher trainings through the years. Among those trainings is mentoring under an indian yoga teacher for over two years and a 1 year Hatha yoga diploma from Qi Health and Yoga where she is now educationg teachers on the course.
She travels to see her teacher Paul Grilley yearly to further educate herself and have done over 600 hours only in the subject of Yin yoga.
She has a strong anatomy interest and knowledge and is constantly attending wet labs, anatomy studies and formums to further understand our human body and applies that understanding in to a functional approach to yoga and body movement.
Mysan’s Hatha yoga lineage is from Krishnamacharia providing very much an individual focus to yoga. Ancient texts that have inspired and educated Mysan are the Yoga Sutras by Patanjali as well as the Bhagava Gita and the Hatha Yoga Pradipika. Her yearly studies with her teachers Paul and Suzee Grilley allows her to dive deeper into anatomy, our Being, meditation, philosophy and yoga.
Mysan has had the pleasure of assisting Paul and Suzee Grilley in their Yoga teacher training program providing her with an even deeper understanding of how to share the yoga knowledge.
Mysan is an international senior teacher and she is a teacher training educator, conducting yearly Yin and Yang yoga teacher training programs for yoga teachers worldwide to develop and gain further understanding about how to share and live our yoga.
Since 2009 she has taught yoga at the beautiful Qi Health and Yoga studio on the Northern Beaches of Sydney where she is a senior teacher. Mysan also teaches various lecture components on the Qi Health and Yoga one year long Hatha Yoga Diploma as well as the entire component of Anatomy and Physiology for yoga the diploma.
Mysan thrives when teaching Yin Yoga, Hatha Yoga and Anatomy courses for yoga teachers. She also teaches yoga philosophy courses and yoga workshops for curious yoga students.
If you are interested in educating yourself through Mysan’s Teacher trainings and courses and would like to know more whom you willk be studying withy, here are some Mysan’s qualifications:
- Hatha Yoga Teacher Diploma (1 year diploma, Qi Health and Yoga, Australia)
- Yin Yoga Teacher Training with Paul Grilley (completed all 5 levels and am continuing to study with Paul Grilley)
- Anatomy for Yoga with Paul Grilley
- Assistant teacher to Paul Grilley at his Teacher Training
- Anatomy for Yoga with Leslie Kaminoff
- Anatomy Trains Studies with Tom Myers
- Anatomy Wet lab studies
- Remedial Massage Therapy Diploma (1 year diploma, Massage Akademy, Sweden)
- Anatomy Studies for rehabilitation and range of motion (1 year diploma, Massage Akademy, Sweden)
- Chakra Balance and Meditation Teacher Training with Paul Grilley
- The Yoga Sutras by Patanjali Teacher Training with Paul Grilley
- Reiki Certificate 1 and 2 (Qi Health and Yoga, Australia)
- Meridian and Chi Flow science (Ongoing Apprenticeship with Acupuncturist)
- Certificate 3 Fitness Instructor (Fitness Institute of Australia)
- Bachelor of Business (Macquarie University, Australia)
- Master of Commerce (Sydney University, Australia)
- Sport Science modules (Macquarie University, Australia)
- Nutrition and Chef Degree (Ljungstedska Skola, Sweden)
- Senior First Aid
- Level 3 / Senior Teacher Yoga Australia
Here is a little write up from Mysan about her Yoga
Yoga has been a part of my life for a while now. Throughout this time it has been a whirlwind for sure. Love and laughter. Tears and heartache. Challenges and trust issues, passion and power and a whole lot of boom boom pow!
As an outdoorsy person, my life has always been in tune with nature and when I started yoga I did so because I had beaten my body up with hard core outdoor training and snowboarding, thinking – I need some balance. The love affair kicked off! I started exploring and I found myself walking down little alleyways leading to Bikram, Hatha and Power Vinyasa (as the full on adrenaline seeker that I was!) and as I made my way through these little alleyways of yoga, more and more curiosity emerged.
Yoga for me has always been an adventure of happiness and love and when I started my Hatha Yoga Teacher training love really started to flow freely! Don’t take me wrong, there have been stormy days, hell, even weeks and months, tears and fears, but that is how a love affair can be, you ride the rough waters, weather out the storm, you feel it out, and you go with the current until it calms down and you set off on the correct course again.
The storm has taken me to where I am now, it has made me Me and it has guided me to the path of Hatha and Yin Yoga where I have found a balance that is right for me – Yin and Yang, the Sun and the Moon. It has taught me that there is a constant change and flow and it has guided me to trust that flow and move with it through life.
Awhile ago, after a life living my purpose and passion on the mountain, snowboarding and on the water, kayaking I found myself in the rat race in the city, in a suit, high heels, sitting in front of a computer in an office cubicle – the power and passion was gone! Time to make a change! Today I am a student, a teacher, an inspirational mentor and a over of life filled with curiosity. I spend a lot of time in nature, I create community and I laugh a lot. Simply. Happy. In love.
My passion is yoga, creating healthy bodies, smiling faces and happy energy. I am all about nature and the environment and my purpose is to share my knowledge, sow seeds of opportunity and laughter, lightness and joy – my aim is to help the world to smile, people to live with love, be happier and lighter, Mother Earth to blossom, oceans to be pristine and the air fresh to breathe.
Both Mysan and Tim are all about living their yoga, both on the yoga mat and into the world of everyday life.
Yoga involves not only the practice of asana (poses) and meditation, but very much the mindfulness of all Beings and things such as the care for the environment, respect for Mother Earth, care for our fellow Earthlings and the sharing of love in our community.